Saturday, November 13, 2010

Abraham Lincoln

We have been in Ky. for about three weeks and just found out that we are very close to Abraham Lincoln's  birthplace. Yesterday while on an errand to Bardstown I passed Lincoln's boyhood home and being an American History junkie I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Today is a beautiful Saturday, perfect for local sightseeing.
Nancy and I packed Toby in the truck and left the CG. Close to the site we saw a sign that said Abraham Lincoln's birthplace and it pointed West, away from the boyhood home. So we turned left and followed the signs, realizing that the two sites are not the same. His birthplace is just outside of Hodgenville and it is administered by the National Park Service.

Though this is Lincoln's birthplace, the cabin on display here was found in later years not to be the cabin he was born in. It is, however, a very close replica. This was not known until long after the building that was built around it was finished. No one really knows what happened to the original cabin.

This is Abraham Lincoln's actual boyhood home where he lived from the age of 2 until the family moved to Illinois when Abe was 7. The cabin has been fully restored.
Below is a roadside sign we found about 2 miles down the road from the cabin. So the stories about Abe walking 2 miles to school are true.

1 comment:

MacFindHer said...

That is so cool! I wish I could see that'