Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Palouse

These pictures were taken from Steptoe Butte, just south of Spokane.

Palouse is a word you have probably never heard. Hell, my spell check doesn't know it because right now there is a red line under it. It is probably because there is only one area in the whole country like it. The palouse was formed more than a million years ago at the end of the last ice age. It is believed that a huge glacier covered what is now the states of Montana & Idaho and as the top of the glacier melted it became a vast sea. When the Western edge of that glacier melted that sea of water came roaring across Idaho bringing with it huge amounts of top soil witch was deposited over what is now SE Washington & Northern Idaho. When Lewis & Clark came through here they were amazed at the complete absence of trees. There are a few trees here now, planted by the people who settled the area but mostly it is as it was for thousands of years.

1 comment:

ourbusandus said...

Hey, you finally updated your blog! How's the puppy doing, does he know to walk on a leash yet? Heard about Wilma, very sad day for them, I'm sure. Hope you are still enjoying your jobs! We are now in Yellowstone, but, will be leaving in a couple of days headed to Cody..

Hugs, Sharon & Ron