Thursday, March 5, 2009

Desert Scenes

There's so much to see and do in the desert southwest. Here are just a few photos for your enjoyment.

We are blessed with many good friends and a wonderful family. But sometimes you meet somebody that is just the best! We met Dodie and Rosie Rosenberg in Michigan at the Allegan Fair about 10 years ago. They invited us to come out to stay on their property near Casa Grande, AZ. We took them up on that offer and this is about our 4th time out here. We call it the Compound because there are always lots of people there. Dodie put in about 5 RV sites so their friends can enjoy their stay in comfort. We have been here for about 3 weeks -- it's so hard to leave.

Back to Yuma

The month of February has simply flown by. I've had every intention of updating the blog more than once, but got sidetracked. So here goes:

We left Quartzsite on January 23 and headed back to Yuma. This time we boondocked at Cool's Corner, called so because there is a small grocery store with that name (long since closed and boarded up) where you turn to go up on a bluff off of Laguna Dam road, near where we stayed during New Years. We used up our 14 day free stay on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. A few of the Boomers that we partied with at Quartzsite were there so we continued the party. The spot where we were camped was surrounded by hills so we were protected from the winds (strong at times). Just when we thought we were "partied out" we moved over to Pilot's Knob, another free BLM spot located over the state line into California. Here we stayed for two nights. We got to see Dustin again before his Marine unit is deployed overseas. Daughter Nancy and her hubby Pat and daughter Alyssa flew to California and then drove over to see Dustin. We had dinner in Yuma and enjoyed a pleasant but very brief visit.

Please keep Dustin in your prayers. We hope for a safe and speedy return for all.